Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gender equality

Gender Equality

Image result for gender equalityThis is the view that either sex, male or female, should be treated equally in a social context and economical context. There should not be any discrimination based on gender. Gender equality is measured by the representations of women and men in different social roles.

Since the dawn of time, women had been mistreated. In the old England in the 13th and 14th century, women's duties were limited to the home. They were expected to stay at home, to regulate the household chores, to take care of infants and children, to provide education for children. It was the men's duties to provide for the family financially, to participate in any political events or meetings, and to hold any property. Since the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth in 1620, women of America were often not disqualified from any town meetings and petitions. 

Not until after the event of WWI did women's suffrage began to ignite. In the period of 1918 to 1920, thanks to women's participation in raising support for the war effort, they received voting rights in the UK, the US and Austria. During the war, men left the home and join the army. Jobs at home which were usually held by men were taken up by women. Jobs such as ammunition workers or any industrial jobs could be done as efficiently by women as men did. 
Darnley stage 3.jpgSince then, women had began to speak out their minds, voicing their political stands. Even back in the day, many abolitionists were women (Harriet tubman, etc.). In the war for black equality, women also pioneered movement. 

In political grounds, women could also operate as well as men could. Elizabeth the first of England became one of the strongest ruler of England in the 16th century. She became famous for her speech that rallied her troops to defeat the spanish Armada. More recently, England's first female Prime Minister, the Iron Lady - Margaret Thatcher was a strong leader though some of her policies were questionable. 

Statistically, women get paid 10% less in a full time employment and 35$% less in a part time employment comparing to men. Women only make up of 17% of board directors in over 100 companies. Moreover, 33,000 women are released of their employment every year due to pregnancy and 440,000 women lose out on promotions due to pregnancy.  
Therefore, if women could function as well as men in many aspect, would it be logical that they be treated equally to men? 
We are the new generation and it is our duty to change archaic social ideas. We must support the gender equality campaign. Spread the words guys. This is a new dawn of human society. 

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