Sunday, March 1, 2015

Solar And Wind Energy


How does a solar panel work? A panel allows photons,  or particles of light, to knock out electrons from atoms, creating flows of electricity. Plus, a panel is divided into smaller units call photovoltaic cells. 


Yeah we all know that light energy is free. It also slows down significantly or even stops global warming. Solar panels are designed so that no bad chemical or influence can accelerate global warming.

Solar energy also saves a lot of homes to an average of 20,000 dollars a year in NYC. In sunny states, such as Hawaii, the projected saving is 50,000 DOLLARS! While on the saving money issue, solar energy is much much more cheaper to extend to remote areas comparing to extend the electrical grid.  Comparing to fossil fuel which would last for only 40 more years, solar power is infinite. 

Another unlikely advantage is that solar power helps conserve water. Nuclear power plants and Coal power plants used up tons of water. With the current situation of global warming, many states are suffering from extended droughts, including the U.S Southwest, West and Great Plains states. On the other hand, Solar power hardly consumes any water at all.

Finally, with the money invested in the advancement of solar power, solar power company employers are creating 3 times more jobs than employers of the coal and fossil fuel industries.


The only disadvantage of solar power that I could think of is the fact that the sun does not shine 24 hours a day. However, taking from that perspective, we humans are most active during the day. When we are active, our demands for electricity are at the highest. And the solution? Solar power, since it is the most reliable source of energy during the day. At night, the need for energy decreases. Therefore, the amount of solar power stored during the day in a solar battery should be enough to sustain a household through the night.


Similarly, How would a wind turbine work? well, it is the opposite of a fan. A fan consumes energy to create wind power in those scorching summer days. A wind turbine is span by natural wind power. As the blades spin, they also spin a shaft connected to a power generator, creating electricity.


Let's start with the most obvious advantage. Wind power is friendly to nature. It does not consume fossil fuel to create electricity. Again, similar to solar power, wind power is free and abundant.

Comparing the a power plant, a wind power plant is much smaller. A wind turbine only takes up a few square meters. Moreover, the land around the turbines can be utilized for other purposes, such as agriculture.
Another strong advantage is that wind turbines are great sources of energy in remote location. These turbines can be situated on mountains or rural areas. The size of the wind turbines can be appropriated according to the population sizes.


Wind turbines are not always a reliable source of energy. In many areas, wind power is too low to be able to support a population. Therefore, more wind turbines are built to supply the electricity needs. Or, we can use solar power as a substitution in these areas.

Relating to the previous problem, constructing a wind turbine is costly, financially and environmentally. Many wildlife such as seagulls are injured or killed by wind turbine blades.

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