Thursday, September 11, 2014

Income Disparity

Income Disparity

A big problem huh? Well to society today, it's a pretty big deal. Why don't we just equalize everyone's income "communistically"?

Heret's a brief history of Income Disparity:

Credit: Dorsey Shaw Source: Emmanuel Saez, UC Berkeley
In the 1970s:

  • Prosperity brought an increase of incomes, doubling those in 1940s.
  • The income gap however, remained the same.
Since the 1970s: economic growth has brought about a sharp increase of the gap:
  • Incomes for lower and middle classes slowed sharply, while the rich keeps getting richer

Contrary to many beliefs, the US, the most developed country in the world, has one of the highest rate of income disparity. Look for yourself:

So, how do we fix this? In an ideal situation where we assume apathy actually exists, here are some solutions:

  1. Tax wealth: we can just tax the rich more since they occupy almost 85% of the world's wealth.
  2. Strengthen unions: taking from the basis of the Declaration of Independent, check and balances are key factors. Union can protect the middle and lower class of unfair abuses originated from the upper class
  3. Strengthen the social safety net, including health care or free education for at least 4 years of college (little more socialist)

This video will probably sum up all of the long and boring things i just type. Have fun!

Now, back to the problem. Why is it such a difficult problem?
Well, human beings have a natural tendency toward selfishness. The riches have everything they need. Why do they care about the poor? Don't get angry with the top 1% yet. Economic equality is the dream right? Let's take a look the communist party. They are falling apart. Karl Marx placed his bet on the goodness of people's heart, on how the rich would give up their money and wealth to the poor. Despite their famous slogan: "all men are equal", the true face of humans actually says "some men are more equal than others". Ironic isn't it?

Well, I hope that more research and support should be dedicated to this particular subject. Only then will we be able to alleviate or even solve this dilema.

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