Sunday, September 28, 2014

Technology and Science

Science & Technology

Today, we hear countless of scientific inventions and breakthroughs that help better the lives of human beings. Technology has modernized the way people live their lives. Long distance communication has been conquered by Bell's telephone since 1877. Bacterial infections are no longer fatal thanks to Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin in 1929.

These technologies have become the center of human existence.They are a part of who we are. A teenage girl texts her friends with her new Iphone about a new dress she bought . or my extremely loud neighbor likes to clean his carpet with that stupid giant vacuum at 2:00 am.

In everything we do, technology is always involved. That does not sound so bad doesn't it?

Well, in my perspective, it's not as wonderful as many people believe. Yeah, technology and science has revolutionalized our living standards in many ways. However, everything has a bad side to it.

Weapons has also evolved, most importantly the atomic bomb of 1945. Wars could be so different. No more endless trench war fare of WWI. No more land invasion like D-Day of WWII. Wars could be won in minutes. Cities lay in ruins with just a push of a button. Scary?

I've never left my house without my phone. So do you probably. What if I tell you that the government is recording every single conversation, every line you have ever typed? What if I say that your lives are under surveillance right now? What if  I say that the privacy you've always thought you have is just a fantasy?

Let's get back to issues that we can all relate to. Technology has made us lazy. Before the invention of the automobile, people used to walk or bike hundreds of miles. Since the 1920s, we have begun to produce and upgrade our cars to be as comfortable as possible (ex. automatic gear shift). We hardly carry out any motion in our cars. Where will this lead? Maybe an extremely comfy floating chair that can be controlled by thoughts. (this is a rip off from Wall-E). We won't need to move a muscle. If we have everything done for us, what will we be doing? Nothing.

Take a glance at our future. Not very pretty.

PS: This blog is dedicated to Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" and George Orwell's "1984"

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