Monday, September 8, 2014

Racism: Then & Now

Racism to many seems to have become insignificant in today's world. Well, it's wrong. Racism hasn't disappeared; it just simply takes another form. 
Many organizations have fought for equality among races, ethnicity, skin color, or even sex. This blog will focus mainly on the organization fighting for civil rights.


Name: National Association For The Advancement of Colored People
Founded in: 1909
Goals: Desegregation and Equality
Status: active
"FUN facts":
  • The NAACP was the most influential aspect in the land mark case Brown vs. The Board of Education, which revoked the doctrine of "separate but equal" in 1954. 
  • They ran into debt in the 1990s
  • Rosa Park and the NAACP organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955

"birth of a Nation" was banned in many states due to the NAACP protest
Civil rights Bill proposed by JFK before his assasination
Voting right Act of 1965


Name: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee

Found in: 1960
Goals: Desegregation, Civil rights, and Feminism
Status: active
"FUN facts":
  • The SNCC coordinated the march on Washington in 1963
  • Their leader Stokely Carmichael grew radical, promoting Black Separatism 
  • It contains mostly of students


Civil Rights Act 1964

Sit-in in 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, the catalyst for the entire movement

Strengthened supports for the Freedom Rides in 1961 and the March on Washington 1963

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